How do you keep wasps away from your house?

+1 vote
asked Aug 14, 2018 in Do it yourself by Rease099 (280 points)
How do you keep wasps away from your house?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 24, 2018 by EulaColl (290 points)
First thing you need to do to keep the wasps away from your house is to find the wasps nest and then smoke the nest out and then remove the wasp nest from your house so the wasps will have to find another place to go too instead of your house.

Then you can set up a homemade wasp trap using a jar with lid and hole punched into the lid.

All you need to make the homemade wasp trap is an empty jar, orange juice and a some jam you can also make a wasp trap using a soda bottle but here's the directions to make a homemade wasp trap using a jar.

Punch a hole into the jar lid that’s about as wide in diameter as the base of your pinky finger (you want the wasps to crawl in but not be able to fly out easily).

Fill jar about 1/2 full with orange juice (can also use orange soda or some sweet & fruity smelling liquid).
Smear raspberry or strawberry jam underneath the lid.
Seal jar with the lid then place it at the back of the yard or some place away from foot traffic.

The wasps will be attracted to the sweet smelling juice and jam and will crawl into the jar and eventually fall into the juice and drown.

Wait until it’s dark outside before emptying the jar of its contents and refilling with a fresh batch of juice and jam

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