What are the symptoms of water in your ear?

+1 vote
asked Aug 13, 2018 in Other- Health by Lock1 (240 points)
What are the symptoms of water in your ear?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 26, 2018 by amania (1,960 points)
When you have water in your ear some symptoms you may experience are redness in your ear, feeling of fullness inside your ear or even a partial blockage of your ears canal caused by debris, fluid and swelling.

Other symptoms of water in your ear are increased itching or increased pain of the ear, muffled or decreased hearing and excessive fluid drainage.

You can get rid of swimmers ear or get water out of your ear using rubbing alcohol and vinegar to make some ear drops.

Mix equal parts of rubbing alcohol and equal parts of vinegar together to make the ear drops and then put the ear drops into your ear.

Apply 3 to 4 drops of the ear drops using a sterile dropper and then gently rub the outside of your ear and then wait at least 30 seconds before tilting your head sideways to let the ear drop solution drain out.

The rubbing alcohol and vinegar will evaporate the water in your ear.

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