Does NUBEQA make you sleepy?

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asked Nov 10, 2023 in Diseases Conditions by Androscoggin (2,380 points)
Does NUBEQA make you sleepy?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 10, 2023 by Take8seat (22,500 points)
NUBEQA does have the ability to make you sleepy so it's sometimes best to take it at night or at least avoid driving or operating any machinery when you take NUBEQA until you know how it affects you.

NUBEQA came out in July 30th 2019 when it was approved by the FDA.

The side effects of Nubeqa on the liver are neutropenia and increased liver enzyme levels.

NUBEQA is a Tier 5 drug listed on Medicare prescription drug plans.

Nubeqa is taken as often as twice daily at a dose of 600 mg or 2 of the 300 mg tablets with food.

The drug Nubeqa is used for the treatment of prostate cancer that has not spread to other parts of your body and no longer responds to a medical or surgical treatment that lowers testosterone (non-metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer or nmCRPC).

The side effects of NUBEQA include tiredness, nausea, weakness, arm pain, foot pain, hand pain and leg pain.

The new prostate cancer drugs extending and improving life is enzalutamide and Nubeqa also known as darolutamide.

The best chemo pill for prostate cancer is docetaxel also known as Taxotere that is usually given along with prednisone which is a steroid medicine.

The new tablet for prostate cancer is enzalutamide.

Enzalutamide, sold under the brand name Xtandi, is a nonsteroidal antiandrogen medication which is used in the treatment of prostate cancer.

Xtandi is not a chemotherapy drug despite being used to treat cancer.

Xtandi is a type of hormone therapy that works to prevent prostate cancer cells from growing and spreading by blocking the action of a group of hormones called androgens.

The best prostate cancer treatment is at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville Florida, Phoenix and Scottsdale Arizona and Rochester Minnesota.

Prostate cancer is cancer that occurs in the prostate and is the most common cancer and the second leading cause of death from cancer in men.

Prostate cancer most often grows slowly and finding and treating the prostate cancer before symptoms occur may not improve the persons life or help them live longer.

However prostate cancer can be cured, when detected and treated early.

The vast majority of prostate cancer cases (more than 90 percent) are discovered in the early stages, making the tumors more likely to respond to treatment.

Treatment for prostate cancer doesn't always have to mean surgery or chemotherapy, either.

The 5 early warning signs of prostate cancer include.

Pain and/or a "burning sensation" when urinating or ejaculating.
Frequent urination, especially during the nighttime.
Trouble starting urination, or stopping urination once in progress.
Sudden erectile dysfunction.
Blood in either urine or semen.

Prostate cancer is cancer of a mans prostate which is a small walnut-sized gland that produces seminal fluid.

A man's prostate produces the seminal fluid that nourishes and transports sperm.

Symptoms include difficulty with urination, but sometimes there are no symptoms at all.

Some types of prostate cancer grow slowly.

In some of these cases, monitoring is recommended.

Other types of prostate cancer are aggressive and require radiation, surgery, hormone therapy, chemotherapy, or other treatments.

The good news is though that in most cases prostate cancer can be cured if it's caught early and treatment begins early enough.

The prostate cancer can be cured, when detected and treated early.

The vast majority of prostate cancer cases (more than 90 percent) are discovered in the early stages, making the tumors more likely to respond to treatment.

Treatment for prostate cancer doesn't always have to mean surgery or chemotherapy, either.

A core needle biopsy is the main method used to diagnose prostate cancer.

It is usually done by a urologist.

During the biopsy, the doctor usually looks at the prostate with an imaging test such as transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) or MRI, or a 'fusion' of the two.

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