How do you keep a wood stove from getting your house too hot?

+1 vote
asked Jul 26, 2018 in Other-Home/Garden by Scaramouche (620 points)
How do you keep a wood stove from getting your house too hot?

Last winter my house was getting way too hot with the wood stove going and I could hardly stand to be in the house with the wood stove going and I wasn't sure how to control the heat coming off of it.

I loved the heat and it was better than being cold but how do I control the wood stove so it doesn't get the house overheated?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 26, 2018 by Grahlu (51,270 points)
If your wood stove is getting the house too hot then before the house starts to get too hot then cut some of the air supply off to the wood stove using the damper on either the stove or the stove pipe.

Also not sure what kind of wood stove you have but some wood stoves have an airflow control on the stove itself near the door or somewhere else.

Turn the airflow down so the wood stove fire has less air to keep the fire going as hot.

Another thing you can do is to build a smaller fire in the wood stove so the fire won't be as hot.

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