What's the cheapest way to fix my teeth?

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asked Sep 3, 2023 in Dental by 1961waggy (24,650 points)
What's the cheapest way to fix my teeth?

2 Answers

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answered Sep 5, 2023 by Kaptainkanda (11,520 points)
The cheapest way to fix your teeth is through braces or through dental implants.

If you're losing teeth then dental implants is the best option and if you just need your teeth realigned then braces or invisalign are the cheapest options to fix your teeth.

Teeth cannot and do not straighten naturally.

The only way to straighten teeth is to wear braces or Invisalign or have dental surgery to straighten the teeth.

Foods you can eat with braces are oatmeal, sandwiches, meatballs, cream cheese, rice, muffins, seafood, apple sauce, pudding, soups, pancakes, bananas, Macaroni and cheese, scrambled eggs, fruit, bread, smoothies, pasta, vegetables, ice cream, mashed potatoes and yogurt.

You can get braces at 20 or even at any age although it's best to get braces before age 14.

Even a 20 or above braces can help but they take longer in most cases to straighten and correct the alignment of your teeth.

A good age for a child to get braces is 9 years old although a child can get braces at any age but it's best to get the child braces before they go through puberty between the ages of 9 to 14 years of age.

Once a child is past age 14 it's harder for the jaw and teeth to adjust as they've already settled into their post puberty positions.

The type of braces that are available are clear aligners such as Invisalign, lingual braces, self ligating braces, ceramic braces and metal braces.

Medicaid does not cover braces unless they are medically necessary such as from accident or disease.

The 3 stages of braces are the planning state, active stage and retention stage of dental braces

Braces Stage 1 – Level and Alignment.
Braces Stage 2 – Bite Correction and Space Closure.
Braces Stage 3 – Detailing and Finishing.

The first 1-2 weeks when you wear braces, you are not used to the pulling force of the bowstring, you may experience pain and dullness.

However, depending on the location and sensitivity of the teeth, the pain sensation will be different for each person.

The cost of braces for an open bite ranges from $1,800.00 to $3,000.00 although the braces for an open bite can be as much as $7,000.00

An open bite does affect the jawline and can lengthen the face.

A deep overbite also leads to the face being short and round and uneven bites can disrupt overall shape and symmetry.

Things that can be causing your open bite are poor skeletal relationship between your lower jaw and upper jaw and even from tongue sucking, finger sucking or thumb sucking.

Macroglossia is another condition that causes open bites.

Macroglossia causes functional deficits such as airway obstruction, drooling, phonation difficulties, and leads to protrusion of dentoalveolar structures resulting in an anterior open bite and a prognathic mandibular appearance.

The length of time it takes to close an open bite with rubber bands is between 12 to 18 months.

Rubber bands are fashioned into a triangle to correct open bites, attaching to the top canines and bottom premolars and canines.

A dentist can fix an open bite and most open bites are fixed through use of braces or Invisalign.

In rare cases surgery may be needed to fix the open bite but most open bites are fixed using braces or Invisalign with good success.

Open bites can and most commonly do get worse with age.

To prevent an open bite from relapsing your orthodontist will give you elastics and clear aligners to wear at night.

The signs that your open bite is getting worse include.
Inability to make contact with upper and lower teeth.
Problems with chewing or swallowing.
Less-pronounced chin.
Speech problems, such as a lisp.
Improper teeth alignment.
Pain when biting or chewing.
Difficulties biting food with the front teeth.

The different types of open bites are Complete Open Bite, Lateral Open Bite, Anterior Open Bite and Posterior Open Bite.

The speech sounds that are affected by an open bite are  /s / and /t/ sounds.

If an open bite is left untreated the open bite can become worse and can affect speech and lead to speech impediments such as lisping, difficulty chewing, increased wear and pressure on the back teeth and also cause low self esteem when smiling.

What orthodontists do with open bites is they will either fit you with braces or Invisalign to correct the open bite overtime.

In severe cases you may need surgery to correct the open bite but braces and Invisalign are the most common treatments to fix the open bite.

Orthodontists fix open bites by using braces or even Invisalign to treat the open bite.

Fixing an open bite also involves moving the upper front teeth and upper back teeth down or a combination of both.

Moving the teeth into the correct position the bite then becomes balanced and the open bite is then corrected.

In some cases surgery may be needed to correct an open bite but most open bites are corrected using braces or Invisalign.

Invisalign can fix an open bite although Invisalign won't fix an open bite overnight or very quickly as it can take up to 6 months to a year or sometimes longer for the open bite to be corrected with Invisalign or braces.

To fix an open bite fast you will need braces or invisalign or even surgery.

There's no way to fix an open bite at home with any home remedies and only a dentist can help you fix the open bite.

Invisalign and braces are both good options and effective options for fixing and correcting open bites.

Correcting an open bite can take between a few months to as long as 2 years or sometimes longer to correct the open bite depending on the severity of the open bite.

When wearing braces for an open bite you will need to wear the braces for the open bite for 12 months to 24 months.

The length of time you will need to wear braces depends on how bad your open bite is.

Some cases of open bites are resolved within only a few months while more severe ones may take years to treat successfully.

An open bite can sometimes be fixed without surgery through orthodontic therapy by a orthodontist.

In some cases Invisalign or even braces can help fix and straighten an open bite but in more severe cases surgery will be required to fix the open bite.

The benefits of fixing an open bite are less wear and tear on your back teeth, easier chewing food, easier speech, and when the open bite is fixed the back teeth are coming together more often to balance out the bite.

This equalizing the pressure on the teeth and leads to a decrease in wear and tear on the teeth.

The disadvantages of an open bite are possible trouble speaking, problems with biting and chewing, damage and wear to the back teeth, lower self esteem, inability to chew, especially with posterior open bite and temporomandibular joint disorder.

A minor open bite will appear as a minor gap or space between your upper and lower front teeth when you bite down with your teeth.

Open bites can get worse with age and the gap can become bigger over time if not corrected.

Open bites are noticeable when the mouth is open.

The open bite causes a noticeable gap between the arches of your teeth when your jaw is closed and the open bite can also cause challenges with eating and speaking.

Open bites occur when your upper and lower teeth do not come into contact when you bite down.

Open bites are most often caused by a poor skeletal relationship between the upper jaw and lower jaw.
0 votes
answered Mar 20 by SpoonBuffy (1,060 points)
A while back, I was in the same boat, trying to find an affordable fix for my teeth. I stumbled upon this website, https://meetmydentist.com, which was a game-changer. It connected me with a dentist who offered budget-friendly options tailored to my needs. Don't hesitate to explore your options and reach out to professionals who can help.

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