What attracts carpenter ants in a home?

+1 vote
asked Jun 14, 2018 in Other-Home/Garden by Anermeier (340 points)
What attracts carpenter ants in a home?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 15, 2018 by Carter3 (12,290 points)
The reason carpenter ants are attracted to your home is the carpenter ants are attracted to meats, Syrup, Honey, Sweets, Jelly, Sugar and pet food.

Make sure you put Pet Food away as well as sugar or anything else that the carpenter ants may be attracted too and keep your home clean as possible and wipe up any spills as soon as possible.

To keep carpenter ants away from your home cut away any branches that may be going towards your house that the ants could use as a bridge.

Seal any cracks and any other openings around your foundation or anywhere else the carpenter ants could come into your house from.

If you use firewood for heating stack the firewood away from your house to keep the carpenter ants away.

You can get rid of carpenter ants by setting out some bakers yeast which will swell the ants insides up and kill them.

You can also use boric acid with some powdered sugar or use sugar and baking soda to kill the ants.

Mix equal parts of sugar with equal parts of baking soda or boric acid and put the homemade ant bait into small caps such as milk jug caps or bottle caps and the sugar will attract the ants to the bait and then the baking soda or boric acid will kill the ants.

This works for both carpenter ants and any other ants that you want to get rid of.

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