Can spider veins get worse after laser treatment?

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asked Jul 23, 2023 in Other- Health by TravelzJK (760 points)
Can spider veins get worse after laser treatment?

2 Answers

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answered Aug 2, 2023 by Cathy21 (86,370 points)
Spider veins do get worse after laser treatment initially although after awhile the spider veins will get better again.

The laser treatment for spider veins can cause discoloration and inflammation which is temporary.

Laser treatment for spider veins is not painful although you may experience some slight discomfort during the spider vein laser treatment.

However local anesthesia and mild sedatives are usually combined and given for the laser spider vein treatment.

You can not remove spider veins yourself although you can prevent new spider veins by wearing compression stockings.

The best treatment for spider veins on legs is sclerotherapy which is the most common spider vein treatment for spider veins on legs.

Spider veins require professional treatment to completely disappear.

There are many home treatments for spider veins on legs that promise to get rid of spider veins, but there's little research to back them up.

Spider veins (telangiectasia) are visible, damaged blood vessels that look like branches or webs of purple, blue or red.

You should be worried about spider veins as they can get worse and lead to blood clots and other serious health issues including stroke, heart attack and even death.

You should be worried about spider veins if the spider veins become red, very tender or warm to the touch or the spider vein becomes swollen which can indicate a blood clot.

Apple cider vinegar can reduce spider veins as apple cider vinegar contains a substance that can help increase blood flow and circulation which reduces the formation of spider veins and also varicose veins.

Exercise can get rid of small spider veins and exercise can prevent future spider veins from occurring by helping keep your blood flowing.

Spider veins don't fully go away with weight loss although small spider veins may go away some when losing weight.

Losing weight can also prevent further spider veins from occurring as well and maintaining a healthy weight is good to prevent spider veins.

To prevent spider veins on your legs you should get plenty of exercise, walk, jog, swim, ride a bicycle etc to keep the blood flowing.

Wearing compression socks, maintain a healthy weight, elevate your legs and limit use or avoid hot tubs and saunas.

Spider veins start at the ages of 20's and 40's although they can also start later on in life.

Spider veins do mean poor circulation as spider veins occur when pressure inside your veins increase which is most often caused by blood circulation problems.

The best cream for varicose veins and spider veins is a vitamin K cream or leg and skin cream that contains vitamin K.

Spider veins can sometimes cause blood clots when it leads to deep vein thrombosis.

Varicose veins can also lead to blood clots from deep vein thrombosis.

Deep vein thrombosis is a condition that leads to blood clots forming in a vein that is located deep in your body.

Vitamin K cream can get rid of spider veins but not fully.

The Vitamin K cream can fade the spider veins at least temporarily but to get rid of spider veins permanently you'll need laser spider vein treatment or sclerotherapy.

You should laser treat spider veins every 4 to 6 weeks or every 8 weeks.

While most people will notice a dramatic improvement in their spider veins after a single laser vein treatment, many men and women require a series of sessions spaced about four weeks apart to achieve their ideal look.

The best treatment for spider veins is sclerotherapy and laser spider vein treatment.

The sclerotherapy and laser spider vein treatment is the only 2 ways to fully get rid of spider veins although some things such as witch hazel and other skin creams can help fade the spider veins but they don't get rid of them.

Compression socks do help spider veins and help prevent additional spider veins from occurring.

Compression socks are also worn for up to 7 days after Sclerotherapy to help prevent the spider veins from coming back.

The wearing of compression socks can also reduce leg swelling and prevent blood clots.

Witch hazel can help to fade the appearance of spider veins although witch hazel does not fully get rid of spider veins as the only way to fully get rid of spider veins is to have sclerotherapy or laser spider vein treatment.

Your veins can be worse after sclerotherapy because of the medicine which causes small welts that look similar to a mosquito bite which is normal and it should go away.

The veins can also get worse after sclerotherapy if you don't wear compression socks for around 3 to 7 days.

Veins can get worse after sclerotherapy if you don't wear compression stockings for at least 7 days after the sclerotherapy.

However other than that veins don't get any worse after sclerotherapy as long as you wear the compression stockings for the 7 days.

If you don't wear compression stockings after sclerotherapy it can cause the treated veins to fill back up with blood after treatment.

After scelerotherapy you'll need to wear the stockings or compression socks for up to 7 days.

It takes between 3 weeks to 6 weeks to see results after a sclerotherapy for small spider veins and varicose veins and for larger veins it can take 3 months to 4 months to see the results.

And sometimes multiple sclerotherapy treatments may be needed to get the results you want.

The long term side effects of sclerotherapy are muscular vein thrombosis and visual disturbances as well as skin ulcerations.

The reason sclerotherapy is so painful is because of the needle and chemicals that can cause pain and bruising.

However laser treatment is more painful than sclerotherapy due to the heat generated by the laser.

After sclerotherapy you should avoid hot baths or saunas and whirlpools and avoid anti inflammatory medications, aspirin, ibuprofen and also avoid hot compresses or any other form of heat applied to the treated areas.

Also wash the injection sites with lukewarm water and mild soap.

You can get a blood clot from sclerotherapy.

The dangers of sclerotherapy are serious side effects which include the ulceration of the skin around the injected area, allergic reactions to the sclerotherapy solution, mild inflammation and discomfort around the injected area, and blood clot formation in the treated veins.

You cannot do sclerotherapy at home as it can be risky and should only be done by a qualified doctor.

The solution used for sclerotherapy is not . 9ns but hypertonic saline which is caustic and carries many potential risks.

The drug that is used in sclerotherapy is asclera (polidocanol) Injection which is a prescription medicine that is used in a procedure called sclerotherapy and administered by a healthcare provider to treat two types of veins in your legs.

Today the two most common agents used in modern sclerotherapy are sodium tetradecyl sulfate (Sotradecol) and polidocanol (Asclera).

Hypertonic saline is simply a saline (salt) concentrate solution which irritates the tiny veins and subsequently closes them.

The solution normally used for this procedure is called sodium tetradecyl sulphate (STD) and is available in different concentrations depending on the size of the vein being treated.

What is foam sclerotherapy?

Normally STD is injected as a solution directly into the vein to be treated.

Sclerotherapy effectively treats varicose and spider veins.

It's often considered the treatment of choice for small varicose veins.

Sclerotherapy involves injecting a solution directly into the vein.

The sclerotherapy solution causes the vein to scar, forcing blood to reroute through healthier veins.

When you treat spider veins with sclerotherapy, the results are permanent, as the veins close completely and are absorbed into the body.

Spider veins have no practical use and can easily be treated by ultrasound-guided injections or laser therapy.
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answered Sep 12, 2023 by Micle (800 points)

Spider veins can sometimes turn worse after laser treatment. But don’t worry, as this is a temporary and expected till the healing process goes on. Let’s understand why it is so.

Laser therapy is a popular and effective method for treating spider veins. During the procedure, the laser’s light energy is precisely focused on the target veins, which the hemoglobin in the blood vessels absorbs. It causes them to clot, and eventually, remove. However, it is commonly seen that the treated area looks darker or even bruised after the treatment. This is simply because the blood vessels are damaged and temporarily become more pronounced before fading away.

It takes a few weeks following the laser treatment to completely heal. The body's natural healing process gradually push out the clotted blood vessels. This eventually leads to a significant reduction of spider veins. Certainly, it’s time taking process. So, the patient is expected to have patience during this phase. For fast and natural healing, one should strictly follow the doctor’s post-treatment care instructions.

In some cases, the patient may require multiple laser sessions in order to achieve the desired results. You can check cosmetic clinic coolangatta website in this regard. This is the case of those who have larger or more prominent spider veins. Although, laser treatment can effectively reduce the appearance of spider veins, it may not prevent new veins from forming over time. So, it's crucial to discuss your expectations and potential outcomes with your healthcare professional before undergoing laser therapy for spider veins.

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