What is it called when you laugh at inappropriate times?

+1 vote
asked May 26, 2018 in Polls/Surveys by Miguel765 (520 points)
What is it called when you laugh at inappropriate times?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 26, 2018 by Grahlu (51,270 points)
There's actually a medical term for laughing at inappropriate times so you're not the only one that does laugh during inappropriate times.

The medical term for laughing at inappropriate times is called Pseudobulbar affect and it's also known as emotional incontinence.

Not to be confused with urinary incontinence as it has nothing to do with your bladder. Incontinence also means loss of control and with emotional incontinence you have no control over the times you laugh and it's usually caused by a nervous system disorder.

Some people may not have that disorder and still laugh in certain situations.

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