Is Carmex good for a cold sore?

+1 vote
asked May 16, 2018 in Body/Skin by C hardy (380 points)
Is Carmex good for a cold sore?

Can Carmex help get rid of a cold sore?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered May 16, 2018 by Oliphant (6,990 points)
Yes Carmex lip balm that's medicated can help protect and heal a cold sore.

The Carmex lip balm will also help to moisturize your dry cracked lips if you have dry cracked lips.

Another way to get rid of cold sores is to apply some baby orajel to the cold sore. The baby orajel helps to numb the cold sore so you won't feel pain while eating or drinking anything and will also get rid of the cold sore in 1 to 2 days.

You can use the regular orajel if you want or other cold sore medicine but the baby orajel has a better taste to it so it's what I use to get rid of my cold sores and it really works.
0 votes
answered May 1, 2022 by AngieSmit (24,390 points)
Carmex is good for a chapped nose.

You can apply some Carmex to the irritated and chapped nose to help get rid of the chapped nose and prevent chapped nose as well.

Vaseline does help with a chapped nose.

The Vaseline which is petroleum jelly can help the nose retain moisture and help the nose stay moist which in turn helps treat the chapped nose and prevent a chapped nose as well.

To soothe a chapped nose, apply some Aloe Vera gel to the nose, apply petroleum jelly to the nose, use a humidifier, use tissues with lotion, apply some lotion to the chapped nose, use damp wipes, use a nasal spray, take a steamy shower, apply a warm compress to the nose or sit in a Sauna.

To cure your nose after a cold, drink plenty of water, use a humidifier, use some Vaseline, Petroleum Jelly or other lip balm or Aloe Vera on your nose.

You can also use moisturizers, such as petroleum jelly, to sooth your dry nose.

Just take a little bit of petroleum jelly with your finger and place it around the inside of your nose to keep it moisturized.

When you do use a moisturizer, just take care with how often you use it and the amount you use.

To soothe your nose after a cold or during a cold use some tissues with lotion and apply some Aloe Vera to your nose and use petroleum jelly inside your nose.

Other ways to soothe your nose after or during a cold include.

Pat, Don't Wipe.
Moisturize Often.
Watch for an Infection.
Flush More So You Can Blow Less.
Talk to Your Doctor Before Using Decongestant Meds.
Sip Tea and Hot Soup.

You can put Blistex in your nose but only a small amount.

To put Blistex in your nose use your fingers to apply a small amount of Blistex in the lining of your nose.

Just don't put too much Blistex in your nose but small amounts of Blistex in your nose are okay.

Petroleum Jelly and other Lip balms also work good for your nose.

Use your fingers to apply a very small dab of petroleum jelly to the lining inside of your nose.

Not only is it good for keeping your nose moisturized, it's also safely handled by your stomach in small amounts.

Lip balm works too.

Some of the best Lip Balms include.
Burt's Bees.
ChapStick Classic (3 Sticks) Original Lip Balm.
Aquaphor Lip Repair Ointment.
Blistex Medicated Lip Balm SPF 15.
Burt's Bees 100% Natural Moisturizing Lip Balm.
Maybelline Baby Lips Moisturizing Lip Balm.

Some of the benefits of Lip balm include.

Moisturizes Dry Lips.

One of the main benefits of using lip balm is that it rehydrates your lips.
Heals Chapped Lips.
Protects Against The Sun.
Is An Amazing Lip Primer.
Is A Great PM Lip Mask.
Adds A Hint Of Color.
Protects Lips From Damage.

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