Can wearing diapers make you incontinent?

+1 vote
asked May 13, 2018 in Incontinence by Deexer (230 points)
Can wearing diapers make you incontinent?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 14, 2018 by lulumeon (40,870 points)
You might weaken your bladder if you pee in a diaper whenever you feel the urge to do so but just wearing the diapers will not make you incontinent.

Incontinence happens due to weak bladder muscles or other bladder infections.

If wearing diapers caused incontinence then everyone would be incontinent since everyone of us wore and used diapers 24 hours a day 7 days a week for at least 18 months of our lives and sometimes for 3 to 4 years of our lives when we were babies and toddlers.

So the simple act of wearing diapers even all the time as in 24/7 will not make you incontinent.

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