Should I throw out rice with weevils?

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asked Nov 12, 2022 in Other-Home/Garden by Dobber50 (2,980 points)
Should I throw out rice with weevils?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 11, 2023 by Wenja6765lo (2,880 points)
You should throw out rice with weevils in it as it can be hard to get rid of weevils from the rice.

It's best to throw out any dried food item in a pantry that has weevils as there could be weevils in the other food if it is not in a sealed plastic or glass container.

Weevils come into your house to look for shelter from bad weather conditions including hot and dry weather conditions.

The Weevils can enter your home through tiny cracks or crevices or openings around foundations and through doors and windows.

Weevils do not harm people or pets or damage any buildings or property.

You can get rid of weevil bugs by using some bay leaves and Cloves.

Cloves and bay leaves act as natural repellents to weevils.

Simply place a few bay leaves in your dried food containers to ward off the weevil bugs, and position several cloves of garlic around your pantry and kitchen to deter the weevil bugs from making a home in your pantry.

White vinegar is also known to kill pesky pantry weevils.

Weevils are beetles belonging to the superfamily Curculionoidea, known for their elongated snouts. T

hey are usually small, less than 6 mm in length, and herbivorous. Approximately 97,000 species of weevils are known.

They belong to several families, with most of them in the family Curculionidae.

Weevils generally gain entry into your home through purchased containers of whole-grain cereal products that have been infested at food processing and packaging centers.

Once in your home, weevils can spread to whatever cereal grains are available to them.

Weevils that come indoors for shelter can infest every room in the home.

They often cluster in rooms that have windows.

They gather at the windows trying to get outside.

Homeowners find these weevils crawling on the walls, on windowsills and on ceilings.

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