What is best to clean inside of refrigerator?

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asked Oct 20, 2022 in laundry/Cleaning by Braiker44 (2,720 points)
What is best to clean inside of refrigerator?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 19, 2022 by 23rounds (16,450 points)
The thing that is best to clean the inside of the refrigerator is some hot soapy water.

After removing the food from the refrigerator you should get a bucket of hot and soapy water and then dip a sponge or rag into the hot soapy water.

Then wipe down the inside of the refrigerator to remove any leftover food debris and grime.

You can also wipe down the inside of the refrigerator using some vinegar and baking soda.

Another thing you can use is some degreaser to clean the grime inside the refrigerator.

You should also remove any drawers and shelves and soak them in the bathtub with some hot and soapy water to get them really clean.

I always do a good cleaning of my refrigerator this way.

Every 6 months I take out the shelves and the drawers and soak them and wash them in the bathtub using some hot water with some dish soap.

Then I use a sponge and wash cloth to wipe down the inside of the refrigerator.

Then come spring I dolly my refrigerator out to my back porch and use the hose to give it a good cleaning and I also clean the backside of the refrigerator as well.

Dust and hair can get in the motor area of the refrigerator and should be cleaned as well.

You can also place a box of baking soda in the refrigerator to absorb odors and keep the inside of your refrigerator smelling fresh.

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