Do rabbits eat onions?

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asked Oct 6, 2022 in Rabbits by Thepupss (1,420 points)
Do rabbits eat onions?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 7, 2022 by Adf289 (58,200 points)
Rabbits do not eat onions and rabbits cannot and should not be fed or eat onions because onions as well as garlic and herbs that come from the Allium family are toxic to rabbits and can be deadly to rabbits when ingested.

Rabbits can eat apples and all types of apples are safe and healthy for rabbits to eat.

Just don't feed your rabbits too many apples or it could lead to diarrhea or stomach upset but even as a daily treat rabbits are a healthy food for rabbits.

Rabbits can eat red cabbage but they should not eat too much red cabbage at a time or it could upset their stomach and may cause digestive issues and diarrhea.

But sparingly red cabbage and cabbage in general is healthy for your rabbit.

Rabbits can eat peppers such as bell peppers.

Bell peppers can be fed to your rabbit daily and they are a good source of nutrients and are healthy for your rabbit.

Rabbits cannot eat corn on the cob or any other corn as corn is not digestible to rabbits.

Rabbits cannot digest any type of corn and it can cause serious intestinal issues in rabbits and can also be deadly to rabbits.

Rabbits can eat romaine lettuce or any other lettuce.

Lettuce including Romaine lettuce is a healthy food for your rabbit and you can feed your rabbit Romaine or other lettuce daily.

Lettuce is high in fiber and nutrients which can help keep your rabbit healthy.

Rabbits can eat sweet potatoes as sweet potatoes are healthy for rabbits although don't feed your rabbits too many sweet potatoes or they could get diarrhea.

In small amounts those sweet potatoes are safe and healthy for your rabbits.

Carrots can give rabbits diarrhea when they eat too many carrots.

Any vegetables or fruit in excess can cause diarrhea in rabbits but carrots in small amounts and other vegetables in small amounts are safe for your rabbit.

Rabbits can eat radishes and most other vegetables including carrots, lettuce etc.

Rabbits can eat radishes as rabbits eat radishes in the wild.

Radishes are healthy for rabbits to eat and you can cut the radish up or give the rabbit a whole radish for them to eat as well.

Radishes are a healthy food for rabbits to eat and rabbits enjoy eating radishes and other vegetables.

Wild rabbits typically do play dead and get in the trance position when they cannot avoid predators.

The Trance position for the rabbit makes it appear they are dead and then the predators are no longer interested in the rabbit.

Trancing is a self-defense mechanism for rabbits when being attacked or threatened by a predator.

Some predators won't kill prey that appears dead.

In this position, the rabbits play dead and their heart rate lowers.

Trancing is not a pleasant position for the rabbit and shouldn't be a way of holding the bunny.

Rabbits avoid predators by running from the predators as well as freezing in place.

Rabbits will protect themselves from predators by freezing in place which helps the rabbits camouflage themselves from the predators.

Rabbits have keen senses of smell, sight and hearing, which help them defend themselves from danger.

When the rabbit senses a nearby predator, they innately freeze in place to camouflage with the landscape.

A rabbit's main defense is their ability to run away and hide as quickly as possible.

However, cornered rabbits are also able to use their claws, teeth, and strong hind legs to attempt to fight off predators and defend themselves.

Animals that prey on rabbits include foxes, Dingoes, Wolves, Wolverines, Coyotes, Raccoons, Bears and Birds Of Prey.

Even some dogs will prey on and kill rabbits.

Owls will prey on and eat rabbits as well.

Owls will eat rabbits.

Most owls will eat smaller rabbits and baby rabbits while larger owls will even eat larger adult rabbits.

Some species of owl are large enough to take down an adult rabbit and carry it away, and almost all are capable of killing a kitten rabbit.

Some types of owls such as the Eagle Owl will eat small foxes.

Owls are Birds of Prey, which means that they must kill other animals to survive.

The larger Owls such as the Eagle Owl will prey upon hares, young foxes and birds up to the size of ducks and gamebirds.

Foxes will sometimes fight cats but most adult cats are large enough to fight off and defend themselves against the fox.

Most times a fox will leave a large adult cat alone and seek other prey.

A fox will sometimes eat a small cat or kitten but foxes don't eat larger cats or adult cats.

Foxes don't eat adult cats but will eat small or cats or kittens.

Most adult cats are the same size as a fox and can defend themselves.

Smaller cats (less than five pounds) and kittens could be prey for a fox.

Foxes are not legally classified as vermin.

However foxes can be seen as vermin.

The term "vermin" is used to refer to a wide scope of organisms, including rodents, cockroaches, termites, bed bugs, mosquitoes, ferrets, stoats, sables, rats, and occasionally foxes.

Pigeons, which have been widely introduced in urban environments, are also sometimes considered vermin.

Foxes can get through and squeeze through holes no less than 4 inches by 4 inches.

If the hole is smaller than 4 inches by 4 inches then the fox cannot get through unless they make the hole bigger.

Foxes can climb fences.

Well most fences foxes can climb.

if you want to keep a fox from climbing a fence you should run an electric fence wire around the fence to keep the fox out.

Foxes are able to jump up to 3 feet, and their claws enable them to climb even beyond 6 feet.

Sometimes they will even climb neighboring objects like trees in order to get over a fence.

When a Fox needs to the Fox will move there dens.

Foxes also keep multiple dens available to move between when needed.

Both the male and female foxes care for the young, guard the den, and bring food.

Most adult foxes will have multiple dens and if disturbed, will move (with their young) to another.

A fox will sometimes eat a dead fox and some foxes have killed other foxes to eat but usually this happens in harsh conditions.

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