What is normal blood pressure for a 70 year old?

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asked Oct 2, 2022 in Other- Health by Kaelea (2,740 points)
What is normal blood pressure for a 70 year old?

2 Answers

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answered Oct 2, 2022 by Christeenlia (30,340 points)
The normal blood pressure for a 70 year old is 120 over 80 although it may be a bit less than that which is normal.

The blood pressure that is considered Normal blood pressure by age for young people and sometimes older people is (<120/80 mm Hg) although it can vary.

Below is a list of normal blood pressure by age.

Adolescent (14–18 years)    90–120    50–80

Adult (19–40 years)    95–135    60–80

Adult (41–60 years)    110–145    70–90

Older adult (61 and older)    95–145    70–90

The time of the day that your blood pressure is the highest is 12:00 PM which is midday.

During the evening your blood pressure lowers and at night when sleeping your blood pressure lowers then by morning your blood pressure starts to rise again and gets at it's highest by 12:00 PM or midday.

High blood pressure is caused by stress, anxiety, dehydration, smoking, being overweight, obesity, older age, genetics, too much alcohol consumption, lack of physical activity and eating too much salt and fat.

Bananas and beets are foods that help lower blood pressure immediately.

Vegetables that are good for lowering blood pressure are beets, beet greens, spinach, collard greens, kale, turnip greens, arugula and Romaine Lettuce.

The drinks that are best for lowering high blood pressure are water,  tea, skim milk, berry juice, beet juice, tomato juice and Pomegranate juice.

Drinking water does help to lower your blood pressure.

When you're dehydrated your blood pressure can rise and by hydrating yourself with water your blood pressure can lower.

Drinking water regularly and staying hydrated helps to keep your blood pressure lowered and regulated at normal levels as well.

You can eat bananas on blood pressure medication but you should not eat more than 1 or 2 bananas while on blood pressure medication.

Too many bananas could interfere with some blood pressure medications and heart disease or heart failure medication.

Eating bananas is not bad for high blood pressure as bananas can help to lower and regulate your blood pressure.

However bananas can sometimes interfere with some blood pressure medications and heart failure medicines but bananas themselves are healthy when you have high blood pressure.

Bananas can lower blood pressure quickly due to the high potassium levels in the bananas.

According to research studies, two bananas a day for a week can reduce your blood pressure by 10 percent.

Consult your doctor before including bananas in your diet if you suffer from any other health complications.

Bananas are good for high blood pressure as the potassium in bananas helps to naturally lower your blood pressure.

Potassium reduces the effect of sodium on the body.

Hence, eating bananas lower blood pressure due to their high potassium content.

You can try eating 2 bananas per day for one week which may reduce your blood pressure by 10%.

You should not eat bananas for dinner as they may not digest properly at night.

The amount of bananas that will kill you is at least 400 or more bananas.

You would have to eat least 400 bananas or more before it came to the point of killing you.

It's recommended that you should not eat bananas for dinner or after dinner.

Bananas are best eaten before lunch or in the morning or throughout the day as a snack.

You can consume bananas in the morning along with other breakfast foods.

However, you should avoid eating them on an empty stomach.

Eating bananas at night should also be avoided if you have cough, cold, or breathing problems.

For most people eating more than 5 bananas a day is considered too much.

However you can eat more than 5 bananas in a day and be healthy and okay.

In order to get too much potassium from bananas you would most likely need to eat around 400 or more bananas in a day for it to be a problem.

You'd most likely get a stomach ache and diarrhea from eating more than 20 bananas in a day before it became a problem.

So you should eat as many bananas as you want too in a day and you'll be fine.

Practicing moderation is the best way to reap the most benefits from bananas. One to two bananas per day is likely alright for most healthy people.

Make sure your diet is balanced by also including other foods that provide the nutrients that bananas lack.

While banana makes a good snack, consuming more than two bananas can definitely pack up more than 300 calories.

Therefore, it is better to stick to only two bananas, if you are not eating any other fruit through the day.

Bananas contain a number of vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin B6: A medium banana gives you about a quarter of the vitamin B6 you should get each day.
Vitamin C: You should shoot for between 75-90 milligrams per day.
Magnesium:This mineral helps control your blood pressure and blood sugar and keeps your bones strong.

Health Benefits of Bananas include.

Control High Blood Pressure.
Promote Weight Loss.
Good for Pregnant Women.
Boost Energy and Increase Stamina.
Keep Bones Strong.
Superfood for Endurance Athletes.
Improve Gut Health and Digestion.
Improves Mood and Mental Health.
0 votes
answered Jul 24, 2023 by Gloverdragon (21,400 points)
Bananas do lower your blood pressure as they contain potassium which is a blood pressure lowering mineral.

Eating a banana a day can help keep your blood pressure lowered and help maintain a healthy blood pressure as well.

Potassium in the bananas also help balance the sodium levels in your body.

Taking aspirin can and does lower your blood pressure and can also help prevent blood clots.

Aspirin does help lower blood pressure but aspirin does not lower blood pressure immediately.

It takes a few hours after taking the aspirin before it starts to lower your blood pressure and regularly taking aspirin can help keep your blood pressure from getting too high and an aspirin a day can help prevent blood clots and prevent heart disease, heart attacks, strokes etc.

Some ways ways to bring your blood pressure down quickly are to exercise, avoid too much salt, drink some lemon water, eat garlic or take some garlic extract supplements.

Laying down and taking some deep breaths can also help lower your blood pressure.

If your blood pressure is elevated and you want to see an immediate change, lie down and take deep breaths.

This is how you lower your blood pressure within minutes, helping to slow your heart rate and decrease your blood pressure.

When you feel stress, hormones are released that constrict your blood vessels.

Drinking water can also bring your blood pressure down and help maintain your blood pressure.

Keeping well hydrated by drinking six to eight glasses of water daily (even more if working in hot and humid conditions) is beneficial for the blood pressure.

Keeping well hydrated by drinking six to eight glasses of water daily (even more if working in hot and humid conditions) is beneficial for the blood pressure.

High Blood Pressure can cause you to bleed and also cause heart disease, heart attacks and stroke.

You can help bring your blood pressure down by drinking plenty of water as staying hydrated is good to help lower and maintain your blood pressure.

High blood pressure that is left untreated can cause you to bleed and also lead to stroke, heart attacks, heart disease and even death.

Some early warning signs of high blood pressure are blood in urine, severe headaches, constant nosebleeds, blood in eye, dizziness, blurred vision, fatigue or confusion, chest pain, vision problems, difficulty breathing and irregular heartbeat.

If you think you have high blood pressure you need to check the blood pressure and if you cannot get the high blood pressure to go down at home you need to see a doctor or go to the emergency room.

A normal blood pressure reading for most people is 120 over 80.

A high blood pressure reading is considered to be 140/90mmHg or higher (or 150/90mmHg or higher if you're over the age of 80) ideal blood pressure is usually considered to be between 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg.

High blood pressure can lead to heart attacks, strokes and even death if left untreated.

High blood pressure can cause eye bleeding.

The high blood pressure can cause the tiny blood vessels that supply blood to your eye to rupture and then cause blood in the eye.

Yes high blood pressure can cause and lead to a burst blood vessel in the eye.

Sneezing, coughing, stress, anxiety etc can all cause a burst blood vessel in the eye.

A burst blood vessel in the eye is rarely serious enough to warrant medical attention.

Sneezing, coughing, high blood pressure, anxiety etc are all causes of burst blood vessels in the eye.

The last time I had a burst blood vessel in my eye it took 7 days to heal.

Burt blood vessels in the eye are rarely serious enough to need medical attention and they usually go away and heal on their own.

A subconjunctival hemorrhage is usually a harmless condition that disappears within two weeks or so but if not then you should see a doctor.

Stress, high blood pressure, anxiety etc can lead to burst blood vessels in the eye.

The time it takes for a subconjunctival hemorrhage which is a burst blood vessel in the eye to heal is between seven to ten days.

If the burst blood vessel or subconjunctival hemorrhage hasn't healed within 10 days then you should go to urgent care or the emergency room to make sure it's nothing more serious.

But most cases of burst blood vessels in the eye heal on their own within one week to 10 days without any medical treatment.

Although a burst blood vessel in the eye can sometimes seem serious they are mostly not serious enough to warrant any medical treatment.

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