How To Stop Debt Collectors Calling Me?

+1 vote
asked Jan 12, 2017 in Other-Finance by Cmed (290 points)
I keep getting calls from Debt Collectors on a credit card that I owe on.

I've been paying what I can each month and yes a few months I've not been able to pay anything.

The debt collector keeps calling me 5 times a day and even calls me at work.

How can I get this debt collector off my back?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 12, 2017 by Minty (132,850 points)
One way of stopping the debt collector is by sending them a cease and desist letter.

Once they receive the Cease and Desist letter they MUST stop calling you or they can be in trouble.

You can find cease and desist letter templates online that you can fill out and print and send to them.

They shouldn't be contacting your work place either.

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