Can you survive a Russell viper bite?

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asked Aug 3, 2022 in Snakes by Graffxxx (1,720 points)
Can you survive a Russell viper bite?

1 Answer

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answered Aug 7, 2022 by Chambliss (46,100 points)
You can survive a Russel viper snake bite if you get prompt medical treatment because without treatment and the anti venom or antidote you can die from the lethal venom from the Russell Viper snake.

Viper snakes will make a hissing sound when a predator comes up close to the snake or when they feel threatened.

If a viper snake bites you then you will experience pain, redness, swelling, bruising, bleeding, or blistering around the bite.

You may also experience tenderness at the site of the bite.

Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

Labored breathing (in extreme cases, breathing may stop altogether)

To escape a viper back away slowly and also use some noise to startle the viper snake to scare them away.

If the snake is in your yard you can also turn on a mower if you have one or something with loud noises that help to scare the viper or other snake away.

A viper bite is very painful and causes severe pain as well as swelling and without treatment the venom from the viper can kill you.

To treat a scaled viper bite you should apply some hydrogen peroxide and a bandage if bleeding and seek medical treatment.

After getting bitten by a scaled viper snake you need an anti venom injected into you to get rid of the venom of you can die so it's important to seek prompt medical attention after being bitten by a scaled viper snake or any other poisonous snake.

The No 1 snake in the world is the Inland Taipan snake.

The most venomous snake in Australia is the Inland Taipan snake.

Taipans are aggressive and when they feel threatened or you get too close to them the taipan snake will attack and they are very poisonous.

If you get bitten by a taipan snake the venom from the bite can be deadly within 30 minutes if not treated.

The inland taipan, also commonly known as the western taipan, the small-scaled snake or the fierce snake, is a species of extremely venomous snake in the family Elapidae.

The species of snake is endemic to semi-arid regions of central east Australia.

Aboriginal Australians living in those regions named the snake dandarabilla.

The 4 biggest snakes are the Green Anaconda, Burmese Python, Reticulated Python and the Central African Rock Python snake.

The country that has the deadliest snakes is Australia.

Australian snakes are well and truly over represented out of the world's top 25 most venomous snakes.

The Island country that has the most snake bite fatalities is Ilha da Queimada Grande.

Ilha da Queimada Grande, also known as Snake Island, is an island off the coast of Brazil in the Atlantic Ocean.

It is administered as part of the municipality of Itanhaém in the State of São Paulo.

Snakes move using their flexible body, which consists of a long spine with up to 400 ribs attached.

Muscles connected to the ribs help snakes crawl, climb, and swim, and wide belly scales help them grip surfaces.

Saw scaled viper snakes are called saw scaled vipers because of the scales along the lower body lie at a distinct 45-degree angle to the rest and have serrated edges.

The things that are special about the saw scaled viper is the snakes irritability, aggressive nature, and lethal venom make them very dangerous.

The saw scaled viper is a really venomous snake with a maximum yield of 70 mg of venom in a single bite, and the average person only needs 5 mg to be fatally wounded.

Without immediate care a person bit by a saw scaled viper could die within the hour or less.

Around 4,000 to 5,000 people are killed by the saw scaled viper snake each year.

The deadliest snake in the world is the saw-scaled viper snake which is the deadliest of all snakes, since scientists believe it to be responsible for more human deaths than all other snake species combined.

The Saw scaled viper snakes venom, however, is lethal in less than 10 percent of untreated victims, but the snake's aggressiveness means it bites early and often.

The King Cobra Snake is also one of the deadliest snakes in the world.

Not only does the bite of a king cobra contain a high level of toxins; these toxins and venom target your heart and lungs.

Your respiratory system and heart can suffer greatly from a king cobra bite, and many victims who don't seek treatment end up perishing from cardiac arrest or respiratory complications.

It is true that venomous snakes will swim on top of water.

Venomous snakes do swim on top of water although they also sometimes swim under water.

But only a venomous snake will swim on top of water.

It is true that venomous snakes do swim on top of water.

Only venomous or poisonous snakes swim on top of water while non poisonous and non venomous snakes only swim underwater.

Poisonous snakes or venomous snakes swim on top of water.

And only poisonous snakes will swim with their entire bodies visible on the water.

If you see a snake that is swimming on top of the water with their entire bodies visible then it's a poisonous snake.

Non poisonous snakes only swim below water.

Venomous snakes do also swim underwater as well.

Still even poisonous and venomous snakes sometimes swim under water so it may still be a venomous snake.

Poisonous snakes will swim with their heads above the water because a poisonous snake swims with their lungs inflated.

So if you see a snake swimming on top of the water then it's most likely a poisonous snake.

Non poisonous snakes will be seen swimming under the water.

Although there is a snake called the coral snake that is very poisonous and sometimes swims both on top of the water and under the water.

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