How can you fix alopecia?

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asked Jul 19, 2022 in Hair by Daltonthreet (11,170 points)
How can you fix alopecia?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 27, 2022 by FGjple (7,970 points)
You can fix alopecia through several different treatments which include.

Topical immunotherapy.
Minoxidil (Rogaine).
Diphencyprone (DPCP).
Ultraviolet light therapy.

Foods that help alopecia are apples, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, pineapple, cherries, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach and green cabbage.

When you have alopecia the alopecia causes hair loss on your head.

Your hair will fall out as a result of the alopecia damaging hair follicles and you'll eventually go bald as a result of the alopecia if not treated.

With alopecia areata the cells in your immune system surround and attack your hair follicles (the part of your body that makes hair).

This attack on a hair follicle with alopecia causes the attached hair to fall out.

And the more hair follicles that your immune system attacks, the more hair loss you will have.

The vitamins that can help with alopecia areata are vitamin D and zinc and vitamin A.

Calcipotriol, a vitamin D analog, has also been reported to be topically used in treating alopecia areata with promising results.

Also combination therapy of vitamin D analogs with corticosteroids can also be used in treating alopecia areata.

Your hair can grow back after alopecia totalis although there's only a 10 percent chance that you'll regrow your hair after alopecia totalis.

Some people lose all of their hair and it never grows back, even with treatment.

Others respond positively to treatment, and their hair grows back.

There's no way to predict how your body will respond to treatment.

In Alopecia totalis (AT) and Alopecia universalis (AU), which are severe forms of AA, the chance of full hair regrowth is infrequent and is less than 10%.

Important prognostic factors are the extent of hair loss and persons age at disease presentation.

Hair can in some cases grow back if you have alopecia areata although it can take several months for new hair to grow back after losing it due to alopecia areata.

Prescription-strength corticosteroids in liquid form can be applied directly to the scalp to help hair regrow when you have alopecia areata.

This is often an effective treatment for children affected by alopecia areata.

Corticosteroid injections into areas of patchy hair loss on the scalp may help revive hair growth within several weeks in people with alopecia areata.

Approximately 50 percent of people with mild alopecia areata recover within a year; however, most people will experience more than one episode during their lifetime.

Anyone can be affected by alopecia and women and men can get alopecia equally.

Women tend to be more affected by alopecia than men are but it affects both men and women and anyone of any race.

Alopecia also known as alopecia areata is a disease that happens when the immune system attacks hair follicles and causes hair loss.

Hair follicles are the structures in skin that form hair.

While hair can be lost from any part of the body, alopecia areata usually affects the head and face.

Hair loss (alopecia) can affect just your scalp or your entire body, and it can be temporary or permanent.

It can be the result of heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions or a normal part of aging.

Anyone can lose hair on their head, but it's more common in men.

Alopecia areata isn't usually a serious medical condition, but it can cause a lot of anxiety and sadness.

Support groups are out there to help you deal with the psychological effects of the condition.

If you lose all your hair, it could grow back.

In most people, new hair eventually grows back in the affected areas, although this process can take months.

Approximately 50 percent of people with mild alopecia areata recover within a year.

However, most people will experience more than one episode during their lifetime.

Most people know alopecia to be a form of hair loss.

However, what they don't always know is that there are three main types of the condition alopecia areata, alopecia totalis and alopecia universalis.

The patches of hair loss can grow larger. Sometimes, the patches grow larger and become one large bald spot.

Other signs that you may have alopecia areata include: Gray and white hairs often remain where you have hair loss.

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