How do you cover up bags under your eyes?

+1 vote
asked Mar 11, 2018 in Makeup by Fallen angels (360 points)
How do you cover up bags under your eyes?

What can you use to cover up bags under your eyes?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 14, 2018 by Jodie (35,100 points)
First thing you should do to hide the bags under your eyes is get rid of the bags under eyes using either frozen tea bags or even some hemorrhoid cream.

Putting some hemorrhoid cream on your eye bags will help get rid of your eye bags so they won't be visible anymore and they'll be no need to cover them up.

The tea bag method works by reducing swelling which gets rid of the under eye bags.

Wet a tea bag and place it in the freezer and then place the tea bag on the eye bags for around 10 to 15 minutes and the eye bags should have started to go away.

You can then use some concealer or other makeup foundation and apply it to the shadow of the eye bag to help cover up the eye bags.

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