How Can I get my Fever to go down?

0 votes
asked Jan 6, 2017 in Other- Health by xxde (910 points)
I have a Fever of 102F and feel miserable.

How can I get this fever to go down quick?

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jan 6, 2017 by Carter3 (12,290 points)
It's not recommended to lower your fevers temp unless it's really high.

A fever is an important part of the immune system fighting off the flu.

The fever is there to kill those germs inside you.

To lower your temp some though.

You could try soaking in a lukewarm bath, apply a lukewarm damp towel to your forehead.
0 votes
answered Jan 6, 2017 by Minty (132,850 points)
Carter3 is correct.

Fever is a natural response to infection or illness. Many illnesses thrive at normal body temperature, and a fever (even a high one) is a good indication that the immune system is functioning to ward off the infection.

In fact, a fever is a good sign as it means that the body is responding to fight the infection, and in most cases it is part of a natural bodily response that should be allowed to continue.

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