Can u eat a seahorse?

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asked Jun 9, 2022 in Other-Education by thegoat (1,010 points)
Can u eat a seahorse?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 10, 2022 by Rowtell (4,140 points)
You can eat seahorse as some Asian people eat the Seahorse.

The Seahorse is valued in traditional Chinese medicine as a source of virility and are believed to cure a wide spectrum of ailments including asthma, insomnia and heart disease.

Seahorses are often dried and ground into a powder, and added by Chinese consumers to rice wine, tea or soup.

Even though some species of seahorse have some of the world's most toxic venoms, they are not aggressive and rarely present a threat to humans or cause human injuries or fatalities.

Generally they do not bite unless they are handled. Often don't even release venom when they bite.

In China, seahorse is deep fried and placed on skewers.

It's considered a delicacy.

If the seahorse are fried to a crispier texture than usual, they may actually taste more like salty pork rinds instead of chewy, like squid.

Seahorses are not cheap.

The average is about $100.00 for 10 dwarf horses.

This is why you need to do your research to ensure that they will live before spending any money.

They also require a lot of care.

Seahorses, a syngnathidae fish, are one of the important candidate organisms which have been used in Chinese traditional medicine from time immemorial.

It is believed that seahorses have the potential to cure infertility, baldness, asthma and arthritis.

Though unique in their care needs, seahorses are surprisingly easy to keep (and even breed) if they are maintained in the proper type of fish aquarium system, kept with appropriate tankmates, and offered the right kinds of fish food.

Most of all, they can be extremely rewarding to observe and care for.

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