Is Narcan pushed slow or fast?

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asked May 31, 2022 in Other- Health by hotnsweaty (7,010 points)
Is Narcan pushed slow or fast?

1 Answer

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answered Jun 4, 2022 by Gregorysharp (20,380 points)
Narcan is pushed slow while observing the patient over 30 seconds.

Administer dilute Naloxone 0.04mg (one 1mL vial) IV very slowly over 30 seconds while observing the persons response (titrate to effect).

The purpose is to reverse the side effects, not the analgesic effect of the narcotic.

Narcan is very effective at treating overdoses in people who use drugs.

Narcan comes in nasal spray and injection form and the injection form of Narcan is used by EMS and hospitals for emergency treatment of drug overdoses and it works very quickly to reverse the effects of the drug overdose.

NARCAN Nasal Spray is a prescription medicine used for the treatment of a known or suspected opioid overdose emergency with signs of breathing problems and severe sleepiness or not being able to respond.

After an Opioid overdose, Narcan helps prevent respiratory and central nervous system depression.

This occurs when breathing has slowed down or is at risk of stopping.

The medication is injected into a vein or muscle and starts to take effect within minutes.

Narcan won't have any effect on someone who doesn't need it (someone who is sober from opioids).

So it's safe to give someone Narcan if you think they may have overdosed on opioids but aren't sure.

Naloxone injection is used for emergency treatment of an opioid overdose or a possible overdose.

It will temporarily reverse the effects of an opioid medicine.

Naloxone (the active drug in Narcan) is given as an injection.

The naloxone injection is typically used in healthcare settings such as hospitals.

The main side effects of naloxone injection are opioid withdrawal symptoms similar to those seen with Narcan.

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