What is the shortest organ in the digestive system?

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asked May 18, 2022 in Other- Health by thefenderfelloff (2,670 points)
What is the shortest organ in the digestive system?

1 Answer

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answered May 18, 2022 by Aporkchop (7,660 points)
The shortest organ in the digestive system is the duodenum.

The duodenum is the first part of the small intestine which connects to the stomach.

The duodenum helps to further digest food coming from the stomach.

It absorbs nutrients (vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, fats, proteins) and water from food so they can be used by the body.

The organ that absorbs all or most of the nutrients in the body is the small intestine.

The small intestine absorbs most digested food molecules, as well as water and minerals, and passes them on to other parts of the body for storage or further chemical change.

Specialized cells help absorbed materials cross the intestinal lining into the bloodstream.

The organ that has the most blood is the liver which holds around 1 pint of your body's blood at any given moment.

The organ that works 24 hours is the kidney although that is just one of the organs of the body that works 24 hours.

Other organs that work 24 hours include the heart and brain.

The heart is a pump that keeps blood moving around your body.

It works 24 hours a day to keep you alive. Each day, your heart beats about 100,000 times.

The smallest organ in the human body is the pineal gland which can be found near the center of the brain, in a groove between the hemispheres.

It's not an organ like those in the abdominal cavity.

The pineal gland is a small, pea-shaped gland in the brain.

The pineal glands function isn't fully understood although researchers do know that it produces and regulates some hormones, including melatonin.

Melatonin is best known for the role it plays in regulating sleep patterns.

Sleep patterns are also called circadian rhythms.

Hair is an accessory organ.

Hair comes from hair follicles which is a type of organ.

Hair is an accessory organ of the skin made of columns of tightly packed dead keratinocytes found in most regions of the body.

The accessory structures of the skin, including the hair, nails, sweat glands and sebaceous glands, play an important role in the skin's key functions.

Hair is made of a tough protein called keratin.

A hair follicle anchors each hair into the skin.

The hair bulb forms the base of the hair follicle.

In the hair bulb, living cells divide and grow to build the hair shaft.

In biology, an organ is a collection of tissues joined in a structural unit to serve a common function.

In the hierarchy of life, an organ lies between tissue and an organ system.

Tissues are formed from same type cells to act together in a function.

The brain is also an organ and one of the most complex organs in the human body.

The brain is a complex organ that controls thought, memory, emotion, touch, motor skills, vision, breathing, temperature, hunger and every process that regulates our body.

Together, the brain and spinal cord that extends from it make up the central nervous system, or CNS.

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