How much does having an eye test done cost?

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asked May 15, 2022 in Eye Health by Rowtell (4,140 points)
How much does having an eye test done cost?

1 Answer

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answered May 18, 2022 by femealeofinternets (22,720 points)
The average cost to have an eye test done ranges from $80.00 to $200.00 although some eye tests are only around $150.00

The cost to have an eye test or eye exam done at an eye doctor ranges from $80.00 to as much as $200.00

You can go to most Walmart Store and go to their eyeglass store inside of Walmart and you can get an eye exam or eye test done at Walmart for around $80.00

I renew my drivers license online and every 6 years I need to have an eye exam done even though my vision is perfect.

I pay $85.00 with tax for the eye exam which is pretty cheap at Walmart.

Then the DMV contacts Walmart eye care center and then exchanges my records about my vision and then my new license is sent to me.

I could go to the DMV and get the test done for the cost of the license but I hate going to the DMV and would rather spend the $85.00 every 6 years to do the test at the eye doctor and then avoid the DMV.

The DMV are not eye doctors anyway and can sometimes say I don't have perfect enough vision which they did one time.

I failed an eye test at the DMV even though I have good vision.

So I went to the eye doctor and they said I had good vision and then I was able to renew my drivers license online.

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