Is cosmetic surgery safe?

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asked Mar 29, 2022 in Body/Skin by unvventea (8,870 points)
Is cosmetic surgery safe?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 29, 2022 by Cathy21 (85,770 points)
Cosmetic Surgery is pretty safe when done by a cosmetic surgeon who knows what they are doing and are licensed and certified.

However if you use a non certified or cheaper cosmetic surgeon to do the cosmetic surgery then it can be much more risky.

If you do get cosmetic surgery you should research the cosmetic surgeon and don't always go for the cheapest price.

Make sure the cosmetic surgeon as qualifications and is experienced.

With that said all surgeries, including cosmetic procedures, carry risk.

If your body mass index is 30 or higher (obesity) or you have diabetes, you might be at higher risk of developing complications such as blood clots in the legs or lungs.

Smoking also increases risks and interferes with healing.

The BBL has been cited by the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) as having the highest rate of death for any aesthetic procedure, with as many as one in 3,000 patients dying as a result of the surgery.

Cosmetic procedures rarely result in death, but liposuction involving large volumes of fat is one of the highest-risk practices.

Procedures involving more than six liters of liposuction usually require a blood transfusion, which can dramatically increase the associated risks.

A new study suggests women who have facelifts might live up to 10 years longer than women who don't get the plastic surgery.

Studies have shown that people report increased satisfaction with the body part they had surgery on, but results are mixed on whether plastic surgery boosts their self-esteem, quality of life, self-confidence and interpersonal relationships in the long term.

Since cosmetic surgery is not medically necessary health insurance won't pay for it.

Cosmetic surgery is paid out of pocket which can be expensive.

Although an exception to that rule is that if you suffer an injury and need cosmetic surgery to repair a face etc that was damaged in an accident such as a car accident, fire etc then health insurance usually pays for that cosmetic surgery.

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