How much is the average water bill?

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asked Feb 11, 2018 in Real Estate - Renting by Nabpse (280 points)
How much is the average water bill?

I've never paid a water bill before since I currently rent an apartment but now I'm in the process of buying my own home and am wondering what the average cost of a water bill should be?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 11, 2018 by Larry S (42,350 points)
There's no way to give an exact answer to how much your water bill might be.

The amount your water bill will be each month depends on your water rates, where you're located and how much water you actually use.

The more water you use per month the higher your water bill will be and the less water you use per month the lower your water bill will be.

My water bill averages $50.00 per month but that includes the sewer and trash bill as well.

The water cost itself is around $25.00 per month.

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