If I check my Adsense Stats Too often will I get banned

0 votes
asked Jun 30, 2017 in Google by Keyxs (180 points)
If I check my Adsense Stats too often will it raise a flag for my Adsense account and get me banned?

I like to check my Adsense account every hour and was wondering if doing so will harm my Adsene account?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 30, 2017 by Niko (18,430 points)
As long as you're not clicking on your own Adsense ads then you will not get banned for simply refreshing the adsense stats page.

You can check your Adsense earnings as often as you like but it's more productive to work on getting more traffic to your website. And work on writing content and promoting the website.

Adsense doesn't update in real time anyway.

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