Why would you need a federal lawyer?

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asked Jul 21, 2020 in Law Enforcement/Police by IsiahHenderson (24,130 points)

1 Answer

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answered Jul 21, 2020 by RoseannDillon (14,360 points)

When a federal investigation is under progress, and you find yourself getting involved in it, you should consider whether they are seeking your help or whether you are their target of the investigation. The federal investigation is a slow process and takes a longer time-frame to explore crimes compared to the state. During the investigation, you may be asked question regarding their investigation, but you should be careful while answering them. Some of your answers can be used against you, which is not good for your business. Also, lying to your federal agent is a crime that can even send you to prison. Instead of getting in such an uneasy situation, you should look for a proper counsel when you find federal investigation going around your family or friend circle. Visit Oberheiden P.C. to know more about the best federal lawyer.

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