How long will eggs last in the fridge?

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asked Feb 7, 2022 in Other-Food Drink by bythenumbers (1,590 points)
How long will eggs last in the fridge?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 12, 2022 by Carraogo (1,560 points)
Eggs last for around 5 weeks in the fridge before they go bad.

You can also leave eggs out on the counter for a few weeks and they will be good for the few weeks without refrigeration.

Store bought eggs will last for up to 5 weeks in the refrigerator as long as they remain refrigerated.

That is for eggs that remain in the egg shell.

As long as the eggs remain in the egg shell they will last up to 5 weeks before they go bad.

It's best to eat the eggs within a few weeks of buying them for freshness but the eggs will remain safe to eat for up to 5 weeks after purchase.

If you open the eggs and remove them from the eggshell then they will only last for only 2 to 3 days.

You can scramble the eggs up then freeze the raw eggs that way they will last up to around 6 months.

Freezing the raw eggs once removed from the egg shell will help them last longer.

Eggs are usually good for up to 5 weeks in the refrigerator and eggs are usually good for a few weeks at room temperature.

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