What is the best rice in the Philippines?

+1 vote
asked Feb 5, 2022 in Other-Food Drink by MorganD (1,290 points)
What is the best rice in the Philippines?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Feb 12, 2022 by Carraogo (1,560 points)
The best rice in the Philippines are.

Doña Maria Jasponica Brown.
Doña Maria Jasponica White Rice.
Doña Maria Miponica White.
Doña Maria Miponica Brown.
Jordan Farms Authentic Basmati Rice.
Jinsei Japanese Rice.
Harvester's Dinorado Rice.

Rice in the Philippines is called bigas when uncooked and kanin when cooked.

Glutinous rice is referred to as malagkit (sticky). Unmilled rice is palay.

Rice is the staple food in the Philippines supplying about 35% of the average Filipino's daily caloric intake.

Korean Restaurants use either short or medium grain rice and some Korean restaurants will use both types of rice.

Koreans eat short or medium grain rice as the main staple and we call it Bap 밥.

A Korean white rice is called Baekmi Bap 백미밥.

Due to high starch content, Koreans try to eat more multi-grain rice or rice with beans added rather than pure white rice.

Usually known as 백미 (Baekmi) in Korea, short-grain white rice is the most common type of rice seen in Korea.

Unlike the rice we usually see in Southeast Asia, such as jasmine rice or basmati rice which have longer grains, Korean white rice is shorter and rounder.

Short grain white rice wins the best taste award but has the worst nutritional value. It is completely milled, which means its husk, bran and germ is removed during the milling process leaving just the starch.

Despite the excessive milling process, white rice still contains some B-vitamins.

Rice has two kinds of starch: amylose and amylopectin.

Short-grain white rice is high in amylopectin (and low in amylose), giving the rice a sticky texture.

When amylose is high and amylopectin is low (like in basmati), the rice doesn't stick together once cooked.

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