Why is my wood burning stove leaking Smoke?

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asked Jan 21, 2018 in Other-Home/Garden by Pmiller (140 points)
Why is my wood burning stove leaking Smoke back into the house?

My wood stove was working fine until now. It has started to back draft and smoke comes out of the seams in the pipes where the single wall stove pipe connects to each other.

Smoke also comes pouring out the door when I open it.

1 Answer

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answered Jan 21, 2018 by Mechanic21 (29,150 points)
Have you checked or had your wood stove chimney or chimney piped swept out? Sounds like you might have some creosote blocking either your chimney cap or blocking the pipe itself.

Do you have any elbows that connect the wood stove to your chimney? If so you might also have creosote blocking up the elbow that is preventing the smoke from escaping up the chimney.

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