Why do I sleep better with the TV on?

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asked Dec 29, 2021 in TV's by targetki98 (1,130 points)
Why do I sleep better with the TV on?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 2, 2022 by XincaiMao (710 points)
The reason you sleep better with the TV on is because the sound of the TV helps to comfort you because some people can't sleep in complete silence.

The sound of the TV also helps your mind think of other things than some things you may be worrying about.

Sounds of the TV also helps to soothe you to sleep just like Lullabies can help babies sleep.

For some people it can be bad to sleep with the TV on all night.

But if sleeping with the TV on all night helps you sleep then it's not bad to sleep with the TV on all night.

Sleeping with the TV on can help some people treat insomnia.

However some people cannot sleep with the light and sound from the TV but some people sleep much better when they have the background noise from the TV on.

The reason you fall asleep faster with the TV on is likely because of the sound which helps shift your mind from other things.

When I sleep without the TV on my mind is usually racing with other thoughts and when I have the TV on the sounds of the TV change my thoughts.

So I'm thinking more of nicer thoughts on the TV than what would be going through my head.

That could be a reason why you sleep better with the TV on.

Some people sleep better in complete silence but some people sleep better with noise in the background.

I always sleep with the TV on now on low sound and I fall asleep faster and get a more restful sleep due to the noise.

I think more when I'm in complete silence which keeps me awake but when the TV is on my mind is basically shutting down to help me sleep.

The sound of the TV can also be soothing to some people.

Even listening to the radio on low can help some people fall asleep.

Some people just need white noise to help them fall asleep and stay asleep.

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