How much is it to break a lease on an apartment?

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asked Dec 1, 2021 in Real Estate - Renting by Ifartedonyou2 (1,040 points)
How much is it to break a lease on an apartment?

1 Answer

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answered Dec 1, 2021 by Shawn (101,280 points)
The cost to break a lease on an apartment is the cost of up to 3 months of your normal rent.

So if your rent is $1,000.00 per month then it would cost you around $3,000.00 to get out of your apartment lease.

Breaking your lease can cost up to three months' rent, but the exact amount will depend on the type of landlord you rent from. It's not cheap to leave an apartment in the middle of your lease.

Most landlords will charge you some kind of lease breakage fee to help cover the cost of re-renting your unit.

After the lease is up and you don't renew the lease then the landlord has to give you 30 days notice to move out.

You have those 30 days to move out or the landlord can file for an eviction.

It's best to move out as soon as possible when your lease is up to avoid eviction.

As a landlord you can refuse to renew a lease for a tenant once the current lease has expired.

Once the current lease has expired you can simply refuse to renew the lease.

Also if you're a tenant you can also refuse to renew the lease for another term and can move out.

You can stay after the lease expires if the landlord renews the lease and you pay the rent.

However if your lease expires and the landlord does not renew your lease then you must and should leave when possible or the landlord could start eviction process as long as they have not accepted any rent payments.

Generally, landlords must not accept rent or agree to new terms beyond the original lease term if they do not wish to renew the lease.

In most cases, staying in a rental property beyond the end of your lease term is grounds for a landlord to file an "unlawful detainer" action and seek a tenant's eviction.

The mere expiration of the lease is not a reason to evict tenants under the Act.

The lease simply continues in force and effect, with the only change being that the lease renews automatically on a month-to-month basis.

So, if the tenants are protected by the Act, they can't be evicted simply because the lease expired.

Most of the time, landlords fear that a tenant will leave before the lease is over, but sometimes, tenants decide to stay in the rental even after the lease term has ended.

Technically, the tenant can stay for as long as you let them.

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