How much money do you need to run away?

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asked Nov 30, 2021 in Other-Finance by diwad122 (890 points)
How much money do you need to run away?

1 Answer

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answered Nov 30, 2021 by Amos321 (5,590 points)
To run away and live comfortably while you search for a job you need at least $5,000.00 minimum.

Unless you know for sure you have a job or other income source lined up.

Ideally, you'll have at least $5,000.00 with you.

That may sound like a lot, but $5,000.00 can seem to disappear in no time at all.

The last thing you want is to realize the morning after your escape that you can't afford breakfast.

If you get in a tight spot (which you likely will), you'll be glad you have the money.

The states that it's illegal to run away in include 1) Georgia; 2) Idaho; 3) Kentucky; 4) Nebraska; 5) South Carolina; 6) Texas; 7) Utah; 8) West Virginia; 9) Wyoming. Conversely, under Canadian law, when a child runs away from home it is not considered a crime.

Running away is actually considered a status offense and not an actual crime although you can be taken to Juvenile Detention for running away or be placed in foster care.

Some rights you have at age 16 are.

You can legally work a full or part time job.

You can engage in sexual intercourse with someone your age in most states.

You can legally get married in most states.

You can get your drivers license at 16.

You can go to the doctor alone at 16.

You can go to the dentist alone at 16.

And if your parents sign approval papers you can be emancipated and you can even drop out of school as well.

However if you're not emancipated then your parents still have control over you until you're 18 years of age.

Then once you reach 18 you have the rights as an adult.

Once you turn 18 your parents cannot legally control you anymore and they no longer legally have to provide for you either.

Your parents can kick you out at 18.

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