When should I worry about my toddler's stomach ache?

+1 vote
asked Dec 31, 2020 in Toddler/Preschooler by exploring509 (550 points)
When should I worry about my toddler's stomach ache?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 2, 2021 by Carrie123 (14,510 points)
The time you should worry about your toddler's stomach ache is if the child has a fever of 100 F or more along with the stomach ache and the fever does not go down or if the toddler has any blood in their poop or they are more sleepy than usual.

The above signs could be a sign that the toddler has a more serious infection, low blood pressure or some blood loss.

Most times a toddler or child's stomach ache is nothing serious but if the stomach ache in the toddler or child lasts longer than a week or two weeks or the toddler or child's stomach ache gets worse then take the child to the doctor or the emergency room.

When your child is suffering from stomach pain you should first find out what is causing the stomach pain.

However if the child's stomach pain is a stomach flu then you can give them some tummy ache medicine or if they are old enough give the child some Pepto Bismol.

If the child has just over ate or has eaten too much candy or other Junk food then just waiting it out can help.

For the stomach flu in the child or anyone else you should provide the child or other person with some clear fluids to sip, such as water, broth, or fruit juice diluted with water.

Serve bland foods, such as saltine crackers, plain bread, dry toast, rice, gelatin, or applesauce.

Avoid spicy or greasy foods and caffeinated or carbonated drinks until 48 hours after all symptoms have gone away.

Also check the child out to be sure they are not suffering from appendicitis.

A child can have appendicitis symptoms for a week before it gets too bad and the appendicitis becomes a real emergency.

If your child complains of any of the appendicitis symptoms below then take the child to the emergency room as it can become an emergency real quick.

The symptoms of appendicitis are pain in the abdomen, mid-abdomen, or right lower abdomen.

Appendicitis begins with pain near the belly button and then moves to the right side.

The pain is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, fever, and chills.

If you're suffering from appendicitis then you need to seek medical attention because if the appendicitis is left untreated then the appendix can rupture and kill you.

Most times you'll need to have surgery and have the appendix removed.

I had my appendix removed before I ever suffered from appendicitis which you can do as well as you don't require your appendix.

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