How much is a plane ticket from Kansas to California?

0 votes
asked Dec 15, 2020 in Planes by Kmnopp (1,030 points)
How much is a plane ticket from Kansas to California?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 29, 2020 by McCormik (1,980 points)
The cost of a plane ticket from Kansas to California cost on average of $246.00 to $300.00

The actual cost of the plane ticket from Kansas to California depends on the airline and the cost of their plane tickets at that time.

You can usually get discounts on plane tickets through Google Flights and the Google Flights can help you book a ticket for a plane flight from Kansas to California.

The last time I booked a flight from Kansas to California I paid $250.00 for the plane ticket and then again another $250.00 to get back.

So in total for the round trip plane ticket from Kansas to California and back I paid $500.00

That was not all that bad and I got to California and back more quickly than driving.

Although I do prefer driving when I'm not in a hurry but in those times I was in a hurry and had to get to California quickly for a family emergency.

But when I'm just going to someplace I would rather drive as I love driving.

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