Is Bistec the same as fajita?

+1 vote
asked Nov 7, 2020 in Other-Food Drink by Sethbulocks (3,080 points)
Is Bistec the same as fajita?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 20, 2020 by Hemuladga (3,180 points)
Bistec is not the same as a Fajita.

Although Fajitas can be made with Bistec because Bistec is a Spanish Word that means Beef Steak.

Beef Steak also known as Bistec is used to make Fajitas with but they are not the same.

Bistec can also refer to a steak dish served with some onions and steak sauce on top.

So if you want to order Bistec you'll likely get a steak dinner with onions and steak sauce.

If you want to order a Fajita then you should order Fajitas.

Bistec is a Spanish dish that can be found in all former Spanish colonies, including the Caribbean islands of Cuba, Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico.

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