Can anxiety cause throat spasms?

+1 vote
asked Oct 29, 2020 in Mental Health by playlist4443 (910 points)
Can anxiety cause throat spasms?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 29, 2020 by Lilly21 (57,780 points)
Yes anxiety can lead to and cause throat spasms.

When you're anxiety levels go up your throat can begin tightening and start experience throat spasms and it could become difficult to breathe when you are suffering from anxiety.

When you do have anxiety and are experiencing the throat spasms you need to calm down and relax and try to breathe in slowly and even inhale and exhale into a paper bag.

In rare cases you can die from Laryngospasm.

However the good news is that most people who do experience the Laryngospasm condition survive and do not have much trouble breathing.

Most Laryngospasms are rare and usually last for less than a minute and when they are happening you should still be able to breathe and talk.

The most common symptoms of laryngospasm are fast heart rate, low blood pressure and hives.

The condition laryngospasm can be life threatening if not treated soon enough so if you think you have or are coming down with laryngospasm you should seek medical attention.

The condition laryngospasm is a sudden spasm of your vocal cords and laryngospasm is often a symptom of another underlying condition.

Also laryngospasm can occur as a result of stress and anxiety which can trigger the laryngospasm which are vocal spasms.

Either way the laryngospasm needs to be checked out and treated by a doctor as soon as you notice you have it.

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