Are foot lumps dangerous?

+1 vote
asked Oct 6, 2020 in Other- Health by Naengmyeon (360 points)
Are foot lumps dangerous?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 8, 2020 by Minty (132,850 points)
Most foot lumps are not dangerous and are not cancerous.

For most foot lumps the foot lumps are just Ganglion cysts that are neither dangerous, harmful or cancerous.

A Ganglion cyst on the foot which is what most foot lumps are can be painful and irritation but they usually go away on their own without medical treatment.

You can have surgery to remove the foot lump or foot Ganglion cysts if they are bothering you.

Even some people get cysts or lumps in their wrist which are not harmful.

In rare cases a foot lump may be more serious but for most cysts they are not dangerous and nothing to worry about.

I've gotten a foot lump which is known as a Ganglion cyst on the foot and I went to the doctor for it to be safe and the doctor said it was not dangerous.

Eventually after a month the foot lump went away on it's own.

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