Does real estate keep up with inflation?

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asked Oct 12, 2017 in Real Estate - Renting by remlithium (490 points)
Does real estate keep up with inflation?

4 Answers

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answered Oct 13, 2017 by Jodie (35,100 points)
Real estate costs rise with inflation just like any other product or service.

When inflation on other things happens then the real estate prices will likely follow soon after.

Then the housing prices could go up and even someone's renting cost will likely go up to keep up with inflation.

When things start costing more money then prices for other things such as rent will go up with it.
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answered Sep 5, 2019 by kesteer (4,670 points)

I think yes if you choose a right place to invest in. I recommend that you have a look at FSJ Real Estate and learn more about it. It is a very interesting city in Canada which might be very profitable in the future. I think you will like it too, good luck with it!

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answered Jun 23, 2023 by mirafine (3,140 points)

Real estate has long been considered a reliable hedge against inflation, as indicated by the inflation survey conducted in recent years. The survey findings confirm that real estate investments have historically demonstrated the ability to keep pace with inflation, providing a tangible store of value for investors. The correlation between real estate and inflation underscores the importance of considering real estate as a potential avenue for wealth preservation and growth amidst changing economic landscapes.

0 votes
answered Oct 18, 2023 by MelissaFox34 (2,000 points)

I want to give you a little advice and recommend you visit where the secret sauce is to collect and analyze data from various public and private sources. Here they leave no stone unturned in creating detailed and informative profiles for every city in the US. With Homemetry, you'll be able to make the right decisions about what, when and where to invest in real estate.

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