Can low coolant cause the heater to not work?

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asked Mar 30, 2020 in Repairs/Maintenance by Donurner (300 points)
Can low coolant cause the heater to not work?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 31, 2020 by Larry S (42,350 points)
Yes low engine coolant can cause a cars or other vehicles heater to not work like it should.

Your cars or other vehicles heater uses the heat of the coolant to heat the air in your car or vehicle.

The coolant gets hot as the engine heats up and the coolant then also flows through a radiator like device called the heater core that is under your dash.

The hot coolant flowing through the heater core then produces the heat and the fan blows that heat around through the vehicles heater ducts then heats the air.

So if your engine coolant is too low it could be causing the no heat or low heat because there would not be enough engine coolant to flow through the heater core.

Another possibility of a heater in a car not working is that the heater core is clogged or partially clogged.

A bad engine thermostat is another cause of a heater in a car not working.

You could also have air in the system as well.

Or another possibility is that when you turn the switch to heat it does not open the flap to allow the heat part to flow through the vents.

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