Can Mac Computers get viruses?

+1 vote
asked Sep 30, 2017 in Desktops by Campbell (220 points)
Can Mac computers get viruses like windows computers can?

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Sep 30, 2017 by Gwendolyn (410 points)
Yes they can. Mac computers can get viruses just like windows computers can.

Apple computers now have a tutorial on there websites stating how to remove viruses from their apple and mac computers.

Basically any computer can get a virus if someone writes the virus for it.
0 votes
answered Dec 19, 2018 by inessa8 (6,020 points)
Yes, they can. Mine was not turning on last time.
0 votes
answered Dec 19, 2018 by swipka777 (6,100 points)
My mac camera not working pretty good and I think that it's all about viruses.

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