Do you have to answer all census questions?

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asked Mar 23, 2020 in Government by patsyfanie (440 points)
Do you have to answer all census questions?

1 Answer

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answered Mar 23, 2020 by layla (60,790 points)
If you decide to or want to answer the Census Survey Questions all you need to do is answer a few of the questions that you want to answer.

The rest of the answers can be left unanswered and then sent off and you'll still be counted as a resident of that location.

The Census is mainly used to count all the people who live in a location and so that the towns and cities can get government grants to improve the cities and towns.

But you really are not obligated to even answer the Census at all even though they say it's the law.

According to the US Census if you do not answer the Census Survey you are subject to a $100.00 fine but I have never answered the Census for many years now and nothing has happened to me.

For example the Census Survey that is mailed to me states my address but only says to current resident and does not mention my name.

So how are they gonna fine me or do anything legal to me if they are not sending the census addressed to my name?

The threat of it being the law is just an idle threat and never have I heard of anyone getting fined or facing any legal consequences for refusing to answer the survey.

Although the Census says you must take the Census Survey by law you can refuse to take the Census.

I have refused to take the Census for around 15 years now and nothing has happened to me.

The law threat for not taking the Census is just a threat used to try to get you to take the Census.

If you do not want to take the Census then do not take it and tell any Census Taker that comes to your door to leave and take a hike.

You have rights as a Free person in the USA to not take the Census if you do not want too.

According to the US Census papers the response and participation in the US Census is required by law.

However I have never once participated in the US Census and never have I been fined or been taken to court or anything.

What happens when you don't take the US Census is the Census will send out a Census Taker to your house to harass you at your house.

All you need to do is tell them to leave and shut the door on them or do not answer the door.

What I do is just go on vacation when they usually come around so I never have to see them.

The fine for not taking the Census is around $100.00 so it's not that bad but I have never taken the Census survey because it's my right at as a Free person in the USA.

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