Do looks matter when getting a job?

+1 vote
asked Sep 26, 2017 in Employment & Careers by Watson H (220 points)
Do looks matter when getting a job?

I've been applying for jobs and I haven't been able to land one yet even though I have a high school diploma.

Maybe it's my looks why I'm getting turned down? Does the way a person looks and dresses matter when getting a job?

I've never even had a call back after an interview.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 26, 2017 by Meradith21 (780 points)
Yes looks do matter when applying for jobs.

You should always dress to impress when you go to a job interview. Appearance is everything. Make sure you're clean shaving and have a hair cut and if at an office you should come in wearing a suit.

Always look your best and look like you're serious about getting the job.

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