Is sunlight good for the flu?

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asked Feb 19, 2020 in Other- Health by Kintarly (410 points)
Is sunlight good for the flu?

1 Answer

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answered Feb 19, 2020 by Rose T (3,650 points)
Getting sunlight when you have the flu is good for fighting the flu virus.

The sunlight provides your body with Vitamin D which is good at helping your body to fight off the flu virus as well as other infections, viruses and diseases.

Getting plenty of sun even when you don't have the flu also helps protect you from the flu virus because the Vitamin D from the sunlight helps boost your immune system.

I find that when I have the flu virus that if I can get out in the sun and lay out our sit out in my patio chair and get that fresh air and sunlight that I get over the flu much faster.

Most people recommend staying inside your house and in bed when you have the flu but actually when you're in the house cooped up the virus can linger around and it can take longer for you to get over the flu.

When you get outside you're away from those germs and viruses so you can recover from the flu faster.

Even when it's cold outside you can bundle up and sit outside or walk outside when you have the flu.

The cold weather doesn't make you sick so it's still okay for you to get outside even in the cold when you have the flu.

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