How did people pass the time before the invention of television and internet?

+1 vote
asked Sep 23, 2017 in Polls/Surveys by Niko (18,430 points)
How did people pass the time before the invention of television and internet?

What did people do to pass the time and not be bored before television or the internet was invented?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 23, 2017 by Adf289 (58,200 points)
Before television and internet there was radio available.

People used to listen to radio programs for entertainment. They also used to get outside and play outdoor games which a lot of kids don't do these days.

There's was also a lot more work that needed done way back before the modern conveniences such as gas furnace or gas or electric stove came along.

At one time you needed to actually work cutting firewood, splitting it by hand and stacking it and bringing it into the house for both cooking and heating your home.

You couldn't just turn on a thermostat and have your house heated. Heating your house actually required you to work or you'd freeze.

And at one time you had to cut trees down by axe or use a hand saw to cut the wood before the powered chainsaw was invented.

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