Can water heaters be transported on their side?

+1 vote
asked Sep 21, 2017 in Do it yourself by Watson231 (130 points)
Can water heaters be transported on their side?

I need to go to home depot and get a water heater for my house but I only have a van to haul the water heater in and the water heater will be too tall to transport the water heater upright.

Would it be okay to lay the water in the box on it's side so I can haul the water heater in the back of my van or will it hurt the water heater?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 21, 2017 by Mechanic21 (29,150 points)
A water heater is basically just a tank that holds and heats water.
An electric water heater just has an anode rod, heating elements, thermostats etc in and on them.

A gas water heater has the gas valve, heating burner, and just a tank.

You can safely transport your water heater on it's side whether it's a gas or electric water heater.

No damage should occur by doing so. I've transported a few water heaters on their side before without harming them.

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