What can I do with leftover disposable baby diapers?

+1 vote
asked Sep 18, 2017 in Toddler/Preschooler by mtmom (370 points)
My last kid was potty trained last year and I had 2 boxes of pampers diapers leftover and an opened pack with a few used out of it.

I've had these diapers for a year and I was wondering what I could do with them?

I don't care if I get my money back and would be glad to give them away to someone that could use the leftover pampers for their baby.

They're size 6 pampers diapers. How can I get rid of these unused diapers? I'm done having kids and it's gonna be a long wait before my kids can ever give me Grandkids so I just want to get rid of the diapers.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 18, 2017 by Carrie123 (14,510 points)
You can see if you can find someone who will want the diapers on craigslist.
I've seen advertisements on craigslist for free diapers or diapers for sale on craigslist.

You might also see if a charity would take them. A place that helps families with food and other needs. And some places have diaper banks.

At the diaper banks they provide diapers for families that can't afford the diapers for their children.

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