How many pages of website content should a website have for SEO

+1 vote
asked Sep 13, 2017 in Seo (Search Engine Optimization) by Don321 (240 points)
How many pages of website content should a website have for SEO benefits and to get lots of website traffic from the search engines?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 14, 2017 by Shawn (99,990 points)
Obviously the more website content and pages you have on your website the more content google search and other search engines can crawl and list the pages in their search engine.

The more pages of content you have in the search engines means you have a higher chance of being found through a google or other search.

But you should not write content to have more content. It's better to have say 100 quality long detailed articles on your website than it is to have 10,000 or more non quality blog posts or other website content on your website.

When writing content don't write just for the search engines. Do write for the search engines by using long tail keywords in your blog posts or articles.

But also make sure the long tail keywords flow naturally and make sure the article will actually help someone solve a problem.

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