What temperature does sterno burn at?

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asked Oct 15, 2019 in Other-Home/Garden by georgewarren (670 points)
What temperature does sterno burn at?

1 Answer

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answered Oct 15, 2019 by Larry S (42,350 points)
Once you get the can of Sterno cooking fuel lit and it gets burning properly the Sterno burns at a temperature of 175 F degrees.

It's hot enough to cook foods but not too hot to make the room hot you're using it in.

Sterno Cooking fuel is an alcohol based and gel based cooking fuel that is very safe to use outdoors and indoors and it's very safe to cook foods over such as marshmallows and hotdogs.

Sterno does not produce any toxic fumes which makes it safe to use indoors and is wonderful to have in the event of a power outage and you don't have any other way to cook.

Sterno is also a good option for cooking foods while camping instead of dealing with making fires using wood or using a propane camp cook stove.

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