Can a 35 year old get pregnant?

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asked Jul 21, 2019 in Pregnancy by M5farms (300 points)
Can a 35 year old get pregnant?

1 Answer

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answered Jul 21, 2019 by liana (37,450 points)
Yes a 35 year old woman can get pregnant however your chances of getting pregnant after 30 gets lower but you still have a pretty high chance of getting pregnant after 30 years old.

The chances of getting pregnant after 30 years of age is pretty high.

My mother got pregnant with me when she was 33 years old so it's very possible to easily become pregnant after age 30 years old.

According to medical research the chances of a woman getting pregnant after age 30 within 1 year is approximately 63 percent.

So that is a pretty good chance although the older you get the higher chance you have for complications during the pregnancy.

But still you can get pregnant even into your 40's and 50's and have a healthy baby.

But it's best to get pregnant before your 30's which is when you're the most fertile.

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